We Smashed the Fuck out of the Frick Fine Arts Building – Pittsburgh, PA

June 2024

Cut and paste flyer featuring text in post body

dear Shitt students, faculty and staff and errbody fucking else,


Glad it was unsettling.

we wrote fuck israel, free Gaza, and cops beat students on your stupid building. only a dumb Zionist shithead would think writing "Fuck israel" is antisemetic. Idiot.

question, why don't you have critical inquiry into your fucking brainless support for genocide while we fuck you up? Here's some more inquiry. What the fuck are you doing going to your dumbass job and school and whatever the fuck, teaching the next generation of cogs to make a few bucks and be obediently complacent in genocide, while you help dismember children in Gaza? Fart head. eat shit.

The historical core of your campus is exploitation. Go suck some more dick for endowment money. You'd sell your mother to a death camp for a few bucks.

I hope you and the senior leadership team jump off a fucking bridge. I hope every student drops out and smashes your institutions of obedient ignorance.

And glad those other outside agitators are fucking your shit up with Shitt students and affiliates. Hope they fuck more shit up and get out. There's no fucking leaders just termites chomping on your ass till your wooden prison collapses.

free Gaza, fuck Israel, fuck education, fuck Shitt

your worst fucking nightmare

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