Vandals throw glass bottles filled with purple paint, breaking apartment windows – Philadelphia, PA

May 1, 2024

Surveillance video shows 10 suspects smashing windows on the first floor with hammers.

Police say the damage is estimated at $100,000.

In all, 27 windows were smashed, the owner said, with glass shattered onto residents' beds.

The vandalism happened in the late evening hours of May 1 at the Olympic Tower Apartments in the Walnut Hill section of West Philadelphia, police said.

The suspects broke the windows on the first floor of the apartment building and threw glass bottles that left splattered purple paint on the outside of the building when they broke, police said.

We spoke with Andre Williams who lives in the neighborhood. He says he's looking into moving into the building.

"There's still tension about this area being newly gentrified but, you know, people have to still respect each other's property," Williams said.

Police are looking into an anarchist group that has claimed responsibility for the vandalism online, but they have yet to identify any suspects.

No one was injured.

Found on Mainstream Media