As the terrorist state of Israel continues its genocidal campaign in the Rafah region, the UC regents refuse to divest nearly $32 billion in investments. The UC system not only profits from the ongoing genocide but is actively complicit in maintaining its white supremacist, settler colonial roots. Here in Patwin territory (Davis), our so-called "chancellor" G*ry May makes almost $300,000 annually from his position on the board of Leidos, a weapons contractor that sells highly militarized technology to both Israel and the US. In addition to receiving blood money from the UC system, he holds a disgusting $2 million in stocks from Leidos, making it clear that he is in absolute favor of the loss of life, culture, and heritage of the Palestinian people.
Inspired by waves of militant direct actions against critical infrastructure, two toilets were clogged with quick setting concrete and redecorated– potentially costing hundreds of dollars in repairs. As encampments across the country stall and the state begins its dirty work of recuperation, we must begin to take more collective risk and escalate for the people of Palestine. What happened today is easily replicated, low risk and high reward– I urge those feeling inspired by this action to study the long history of decentralized and insurgent actions.
Learn from your siblings in Atlanta at or study how to have fun and get away with it from the good folks at No Trace Project (use Tails OS).
Long live the Intifada!