This Rose Has Thorns 2024: A year of anarchic attacks in so-called Portland, OR

A few years ago, in the aftermath of the George Floyd rebellion in Portland, a zine was made chronicling the autonomous attacks that proliferated across the city as public demonstrations increasingly became a dead end. Feeling inspired by the daring attacks against authority that occurred in 2024, we decided to create an (incomplete) compilation zine. […]

PRISMA: Primer on Radical Information for Secure Militant Actions

"In our experience, we have found that it is often difficult to find an overview of different forms of action, especially militant ones, as well as practical and contextual thoughts on different aspects of security and action planning. […] That's why we have collected information about taking action." PDF: read | letter booklet: part 1, […]

Issue 3 of anarcho-nihilist / insurrectionary newspaper "Blessed Is The Flame" has been released

PDF download link: [ENG] Blessed Is The Flame – Issue #3 (For those who wish to print the newspaper, see the instructions below.) The 3rd issue of the anarcho-nihilist/insurrectionary newspaper "Blessed Is The Flame" has been published. Its pages contain reports of direct actions, claims of responsibility, texts, poems, and news from anarchist prisoners and […]

The Responsibility of Criminals

A new short zine (The Responsibility of Criminals) questioning how one acts under political persecution and certain risks of being a political criminal. [responsibility of criminals screen PDF] [responsibility of criminals print PDF] Submission

Some zines on threats, novelty, and targets

Here are some zines that have been floating around for a while in the flesh but have not been available on the internet.The Social and Survival: On Becoming a Threat – Philly-based critique of anarchist subculture. Appeared as an article in Anathema Vol. 8 Iss. 2 [screen reading] [print] The Fatigue of Novelty: Disruptive Control […]

Puget Sound Anarchists Digest Issue 4

November 9, 2024 PDF for reading and printing here "Continuing with the irregular and informal publication of PSA Digest, I've compiled the 4th edition for Summer-Winter 2024. I think it might have a little overlap with Issue 3. This is put together by whatever crew, project or individual decides to take it upon themself to […]

It All Goes or It All Stays The Same

November 7, 2024 Reading PDF Printing PDF Greek version What day is it It is September 2024. The genocide waged by Israel, the United States, and their allies against the Palestinian people has continued unabated for nearly a full calendar year. Official counts of the dead approximate 40,000 murdered so far, yet […]

Announcing anarchist journal, "In Tension" – Bloomington, IN

Announcing a new anarchist journal from Bloomington, Indiana The first issue can be found at In Tension is a journal acting as a place for anarchist analysis, dialogue, and reflection on activity that extends beyond single subcultures, issues, and social groups. Intended for people beginning to learn what anarchists are fighting and creating as […]

Evasions-Project Releases English Translation of "How to defend yourself during a police interrogation"

An interrogation is not a harmonious exchange between two individuals. It's a conflict. And in this conflict, our ignorance is our strength. Ignorance of the meaning of police work, ignorance of the manipulative techniques used, ignorance of the legal framework and, last but not least, ignorance of our means of defence. In response to this […]

Blessed is the Flame – Worldwide

The 2nd issue of the anarchist newspaper "Blessed Is The Flame" has been some fix correct on the PDF file so is here: Blessed-Is-The-Flame-Issue-2.pdf The second issue of the insurrectionary / nihilist anarchist newspaper "Blessed Is The Flame", originally published in 8 July 2024 in Greek, has now been translated in English. By doing so, […]

From a Matter of Principle to a Matter of Tactics

Anarchists who want to take action, when confronted with the choice of tactics, often default to large mass actions, like black bloc. Imagination is ceded to tactical hegemony; autonomy diminishes; creativity recedes; resistance is franchised with stale, processed, prepackaged ideologies and tactics; questionable organizational methods like spokes-councils and democratic decision making give a participatory veneer […]

The 2nd issue of the anarchist newspaper "Blessed Is The Flame" has been translated in English + call for international collaboration and translation in more languages

The second issue of the insurrectionary / nihilist anarchist newspaper "Blessed Is The Flame", originally published in 8 July 2024 in Greek, has now been translated in English. By doing so, we hold the ambition that this newspaper can become an international effort, bringing together all the direct action reports, statements and texts of comrades, […]

Zine: notes for encampments and escalations

screen reading – http://ppadtxp6ftkevbdqvntq6pqu5qsvlp6q6mfqwosevg3akmaf5qjkykid.onion/r/PXMYr0A4hC#Re73/L9vU6UTvaz03XWAmGDwiHiPBN0jYJbmTF2tNAM= double-sided printing (borderless) – http://ppadtxp6ftkevbdqvntq6pqu5qsvlp6q6mfqwosevg3akmaf5qjkykid.onion/r/aYRXAVaPsL#NAKTwpXG6fuemHqVwp0qGN1cYM4E368kl/UlrxA+XEE= double-sided printing (with margins) – http://ppadtxp6ftkevbdqvntq6pqu5qsvlp6q6mfqwosevg3akmaf5qjkykid.onion/r/zGw256dvzq#Uy6I16mOzpnN0BbVCAhlJPjTdYqU1+KqIcLqkQtf7wI= via Tax Resistance Collective:

Abolition Media's Authoritarian Entryism

Abolition Media, a popular counter-info site in the American anarchist space has had an interesting editorial presence since its founding. The site has focused almost solely on armed struggle and militant direct action while ignoring less risky anarchist praxis often covered by established anarchist media operations like It's Going Down and Crimethinc. Because of Abolition […]

Here Are the Secret Locations of ShotSpotter Gunfire Sensors The locations of microphones used to detect gunshots have been kept hidden from police and the public. An analysis of leaked coordinates confirms arguments critics have made against the technology. The gunshot-detection system ShotSpotter has for years drawn criticism from activists and academics who believe the company behind the system, SoundThinking, places its microphone […]


Disclaimer for the feds: Incite, Conspire, Inspire is a solely-for-fun section never designed to give real advice. The tools, tactics and ideas given on the series are only thought to entertain. We would never dream of anyone using any of this tools as a form of dissent and we do not promote, partake in or […]

Anathema Volume 9 Issue 2

The latest anarchist news and analysis from the long-running Philadelphia-based publication, Anathema. Volume 9 Issue 2 (PDF for reading 8.5×11) Volume 9 Issue 2 (PDF for printing 11×17) In this issue: What Went Down Conservation As Abolition Dance Parties Won't Stop Fascism Eternal War Against Golf Call To Struggle Around Bartram's & Against The Proposal […]

Fox Farm Leak

July 22, 2023 An estimated 25 to 50 fox farms remain in the United States. These are a few of the backyard operations confining and killing foxes, a genetically wild species native to North America: Schmuecker Fox Farm 7796 15th Avenue Trail Luzerne, IA 52257 Price Fox Farm 4850 Highway 141 Norris City, IL 62869 […]

>w< Gay Furries SiegedSec Pwn The Government Again

"MOAR DAMAGE MUST BE DONE!" Our next attack on the U.S government has arrived! This next attack affects the following targets; – Nebraska Supreme Court Intranet – South Dakota Boards and Commissions – Texas State BHEC Personal Information – Pennsylvania Provider Self-Service – South Carolina Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) (Credit to NG and birdlinux […]