APEM-2025-02 Anarchists are going to make explosives. In Greece and Russia it is regular, but a lot of the recipes easily available online are either quite dangerous (like TATP) or outdated (like most of the US Army Improvised Munitions Manual). The recipes I have compiled are found with a little bit of digging but […]
Category: Guides
Birds of a Feather, Destroy a Flock Together
WHAT IS FLOCK? Flock Safety is a mass surveillance start up based in Atlanta, Georgia that promises law enforcement and private business AI surveillance, license plate reading (LPR) technology, and real time alerts. Founded in 2017, the company now claims presence in 4,000 cities across 42 states. Flock LPRs compile unique identifying car information – […]
Fuck Flock February: Anti surveillance campaign announced in so called Richmond Virginia
Have you seen those ugly black poles with small devices and panels on top? Those are called FLOCK cameras, and they are popping up all around Richmond and all over the country. https://www.flocksafety.com/ Oh, also, they cost the cops over $2k per device… These cameras are license plate readers, gunshot detectors, and cameras that are […]
Federal Grand Jury Warning – Pittsburgh, PA
Community Warning, 2025-01-21 Situation There is a federal grand jury sitting in Pittsburgh. At least two people have been subpoenaed to testify before it. This grand jury is at least partially focused on the criminal cases of MH and TL who were arrested earlier this year on charges related to alleged political action. Both grand […]
PRISMA: Primer on Radical Information for Secure Militant Actions
"In our experience, we have found that it is often difficult to find an overview of different forms of action, especially militant ones, as well as practical and contextual thoughts on different aspects of security and action planning. […] That's why we have collected information about taking action." PDF: read | letter booklet: part 1, […]
Evasions-Project Releases English Translation of "How to defend yourself during a police interrogation"
An interrogation is not a harmonious exchange between two individuals. It's a conflict. And in this conflict, our ignorance is our strength. Ignorance of the meaning of police work, ignorance of the manipulative techniques used, ignorance of the legal framework and, last but not least, ignorance of our means of defence. In response to this […]
Time and Being
Everything has its cost: our time, once spent, can be bought back neither by king nor trillionaire. We give up our time for what we do not want; 10-20 years for a house, 5-10 for a car, 50-100 hours per month for food, then phone bills, utilities, holiday gifts, shopping shopping shopping. We lose years […]
To the International Anarchist Movement: Three Security Proposals
This text is addressed to the international anarchist movement, which we'll define as the sum of individuals fighting for anarchist ideas around the world. This movement is in conflict with its natural enemies — the State, fascist groups, and so on — and must protect itself if it is to survive in this conflict. In […]
A Recipe for Birthday Cake <3
This recipe is meant to be as simple, reliable, and cost-effective as possible, and has been extensively field-tested. It does not require technical expertise, hopefully avoiding the specialization found in old manuals that would have the aspiring arsonist first become an amateur chemist or electrician. These devices are meant to be produced in bulk with […]
The Cell Phone and Its Double
Cellular phones are common targets for digital surveillance, along with all the software and applications they enable. These phones can be purchased anonymously — in person, in cash, with a covid mask and hat, and with a car parked far away — meaning only surveillance footage of the purchase is available once you walk out […]
A Friend of Mine or a Friend of Ours? – An Essay On Vouching
Vouching means different things to different anarchists. For some, to vouch for a person means the vouchee is felt to be trustworthy and competent enough for an action. For others, vouching means that the voucher has concrete evidence of the trustworthiness and competence of the vouchee, and is willing to stake their reputation on that […]
Earlier this year a series of holes were drilled into the mountain valley pipeline. These attacks were strategically placed between mile markers 236 and 239. It is clear to us that those who built this black snake did not adequately fix these holes. As there is now gas flowing through this horrendous beast, we are […]
Surveillance Countermeasures
In the past decades, the surveillance capabilities of State actors have greatly diversified, thanks in part to new technological developments such as video surveillance, mobile phones and DNA sampling. Despite this, physical surveillance — the direct observation of people or activities for the purpose of gathering information — is still widely used by State actors, […]
A Recipe for Birthday Cake <3
This recipe is meant to be as simple, reliable, and cost-effective as possible, and has been extensively field-tested. It does not require technical expertise, hopefully avoiding the specialization found in old manuals that would have the aspiring arsonist first become an amateur chemist or electrician. These devices are meant to be produced in bulk with […]
AnarSec: Tech Guides for Anarchists
AnarSec is a new resource designed to help anarchists navigate the hostile terrain of technology — defensive guides for digital security and anonymity, as well as offensive guides for hacking. All guides are available in booklet format for printing and will be kept up to date. As anarchists, we must defend ourselves against police and […]
DNA you say? Burn everything to burn longer: a guide to leaving no traces
[READ] [WEB] [PRINT] Note from the No Trace Project: We hope that this translation will help English-speaking anarchists to better understand and protect themselves against the dangers of DNA. We added many footnotes, either to add information or to explain our disagreements with the original text, especially in the […]
You Can't Catch What You Can't See: Against Video Surveillance
[PRINT] [WEB] [READ] "Knowing where the cameras are, how they work, how the footage is transmitted and viewed, and how these technologies are evolving is a way of concretely giving ourselves the means to go after video surveillance and the interests they protect." Note from the No Trace […]
How to submit an anonymous communiqué and get away with it
[PRINT] [READ] A communiqué, also sometimes called a reportback or hit report, is a report on (typically) illegal direct actions that is shared online via counter-info sites or in print publications. Mainstream media may suppress reporting about certain tactics or the reason for choosing a target may be unclear, so submitting a […]
Zine – Analysis: Developing Action Capacity: A Path
Developing Action Capacity: A Path No Trace Project Zine PDF DOWNLOAD
Anarchists Sabotage Train Lines in Northern California in Solidarity with Palestine
This action was taken in response to a larger call coming out of the Bay Area to protest against the continued bombing of Gaza and the violation of the Ceasefire by Israel. On the morning of December 2nd at 5:00am we sabotaged various strategically located train lines in Northern California: in Pittsburgh, Oakland, Niles, Bahia, […]
25 Pounds of Fish Dumped Before "A Night in Blue"
In the early hours of November 4th, awaiting signal from a rooftop scout, we scaled the roof of the Buckhead Theatre. As two of us hauled buckets full of rotting fish-vicera and compost-sludge, another quickly undid the two hex screws holding the HVAC access panels in place. We then dumped the 25 pounds of reeking […]
A Communique on Sabotaging Zionist Infrastructure: Shutting Down Friends of the IDF – San Francisco, CA
original image (862×477) November 5, 2023 For Palestine. To rebels everywhere. With deepest love and ancestral rage, We gathered with heavy hearts and humble hands holding a promise for a world safer from white supremacist, settler-colonial violence. Those who declare war on original peoples and pillage sacred life and land will face retribution. There has […]
How To Have A Fun Night To Forget Zine
PDF DOWNLOAD Originally Published On Scenes From The Atlanta Forest
Recipes From BOAK And Beyond
Recipes From BOAK And Beyond Posted to Scenes From The Atlanta Forest
Recipes for Attack!
PDF downloads for Attack! & 12 Tips Against DNA As our world is becoming more and more a huge machine, as the veins of domination are getting more filigree, covering the whole territory with a net, then – if we want to attack – we have to be able to detach our glances from the […]
Cars as Cameras: A short overview of Tesla surveillance features and lessons for attack
Most expect to be captured on video when walking through downtown streets, which are often littered with traditional types of security cameras, such as the dome cameras, bullet cameras, or the newer remote controlled PTZ (Point, Tilt, Zoom) cameras. Previously, this was less expected in residential neighborhoods, which now have an increasing amount of home […]
Plumbing Sabotaged at Nationwide Office – Hilton Head SC
October 5, 2023 In Hilton Head, SC I dumped half a bag of fast drying concrete ("quikrete") into the toilet of Jeff Ware Insurance, a subsidiary of Nationwide Insurance. I agitated the mixture with the plunger to make sure it all got wet and then I flushed the mixture. It was already starting to back […]
Walmart Arson Suspect Arrested in Texas
September 2023 A man is accused of using propane tanks as a makeshift explosive to torch a Walmart earlier this month in Clovis, New Mexico, causing $42 million in damage. Officials say the fire started on the south side of the building and was reportedly burning for three hours before it was put out. He […]
Disclaimer for the feds: Incite, Conspire, Inspire is a solely-for-fun section never designed to give real advice. The tools, tactics and ideas given on the series are only thought to entertain. We would never dream of anyone using any of this tools as a form of dissent and we do not promote, partake in or […]
A Recipe for Leaving No Trace – Rail Sabotage Analysis
We were thrilled to read about the rail sabotage during the last week of action, and the proposal for it's proliferation. We also appreciated that operational details were made explicit, though we have some concerns we want to bring up about how what is described may leave traces. When starting a fire, the goal should […]
Recent Claim for Norfolk Southern Rail Sabotage at July 2023 Week of Action
September 8, 2023 During the last week of action in Atlanta, some of us sabotaged various parts of Norfolk Southern's rail infrastructure on the outskirts of the city. Norfolk Southern is one of Cop City's funders. 1. We set fire to a signal box by cutting the lock with bolt cutters, stuffing the box with […]
Two Valves Turned Closed on Enbridge's Line 5 – Great Lakes USA
July 28, 2023 Reportback from some valve turners: It is with a heavy heart and hazy skies we announce that 2 different pipeline valves were turned off along the Line 5 route on Anishinaabae land in the great lakes region.This was done on the 13th anniversary of the Kalamazoo River oil spill.This was the 2nd […]