Welcome spring, burn a Tesla!

In these dark times, the horizon seems to be blocked by techno-industrial slavery, war and the rise of fascism with patriarchy at its side. Where despair reigns, an offensive proposal is valuable. A proposal to attack a target that is at the crossroads of our already-existing struggles. An attempt to give new impetus to our […]

Birds of a Feather, Destroy a Flock Together

WHAT IS FLOCK? Flock Safety is a mass surveillance start up based in Atlanta, Georgia that promises law enforcement and private business AI surveillance, license plate reading (LPR) technology, and real time alerts. Founded in 2017, the company now claims presence in 4,000 cities across 42 states. Flock LPRs compile unique identifying car information – […]

Arrest at Tesla Dealership – Loveland, CO

Someone in Colorado has been arrested after police caught them with explosives at a Tesla dealership, police said. The 40-year-old suspect was arrested on Monday after the Loveland Police Department launched an "extensive investigation" on Jan. 29 following a series of vandalizations with incendiary devices at the Tesla Dealership in Loveland, Colorado, according to a […]

Joint Munitions Command production, storage, and distribution facilities across the USA

The following dossier contains descriptions of all Joint Munitions Command production, storage, and distribution facilities from the McAlester Army Ammunition Plant to the east coast. It does not include dedicated JMC demilitarization facilities. Each document is a guide to the facility location, its purpose, its function and known links within military and civilian arms manufacture, […]

Fuck Flock February: Anti surveillance campaign announced in so called Richmond Virginia

Have you seen those ugly black poles with small devices and panels on top? Those are called FLOCK cameras, and they are popping up all around Richmond and all over the country. https://www.flocksafety.com/ Oh, also, they cost the cops over $2k per device… These cameras are license plate readers, gunshot detectors, and cameras that are […]

PRISMA: Primer on Radical Information for Secure Militant Actions

"In our experience, we have found that it is often difficult to find an overview of different forms of action, especially militant ones, as well as practical and contextual thoughts on different aspects of security and action planning. […] That's why we have collected information about taking action." PDF: read | letter booklet: part 1, […]

#FreeCaseyNow: On Casey Goonan and the Abandonment of Political Prisoners in the Pro-Palestine Movement

Casey Goonan is the only US political prisoner from the 2024 pro-Palestine student encampments. They are an abolitionist and anarchist who has dedicated themselves to multiple forms of prisoner support work and directly engaging with incarcerated comrades. The impact they've made inside is prevalent, as indicated by statements from their comrades Stevie Wilson and Hybachi […]

It All Goes or It All Stays The Same

November 7, 2024 Reading PDF https://cryptpad.fr/file/#/2/file/aMv2k5I8-vkQ8XhLPvLG61zh/ Printing PDF https://cryptpad.fr/file/#/2/file/otsYQo73TP-PSFZMPmHCQIjR/ Greek version https://athens.indymedia.org/post/1632334/ What day is it It is September 2024. The genocide waged by Israel, the United States, and their allies against the Palestinian people has continued unabated for nearly a full calendar year. Official counts of the dead approximate 40,000 murdered so far, yet […]

Scenes From The Atlanta Forest Website Is Offline

—–BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE—– Hash: SHA512 This is our last canary, = you can find our pgp key on our canary page at https://web.archive.org/web/https://scenes.noblogs.org/submissions/promise/ As of 11/22/2024(MM/DD/YYYY), no-one working on this project, nor the project itself has ever received a National Security Letter, an order under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, has been contacted by […]

Targeting Pig Academy – New York, NY

November 3, 2024 Stop Cop City. This Means War. On September 15, pigs in Brownsville opened fire on the L train over $2.90. The pigs shot three people over fare evasion. In the following weeks, pigs across the city brutalized and mass arrested anyone who protested against police terrorism. We've all seen the increase of […]

Towards Another Uprising

At the end of 2010 an individual act of despair in the town of Sidi Bouzid ignited a daring, enraged, and joyful upheaval that travelled through North Africa into the Middle East and beyond. People defied the oppressive systems they had been immersed in for generations and came together in the streets to topple the […]

Vandals target Blue Oval Battery Park in Calhoun County equipment vandalism – MI

Construction equipment became a canvas for a group of Calhoun County vandals over the weekend, according to Michigan State Police. Sometime between Friday night and Sunday morning, one or more suspects spray-painted "Ford sucks" on equipment located along Verona Road and 14 Mile Road. This was allegedly targeted towards Ford's BlueOval Battery Plant that remains […]

Backyard Target Practice pt.1 : JLG Equipment Services Inc. – Philadelphia, PA

On June 20th, the Human Rights Council and the UN issued a statement identifying the major weapons manufacturers and investors in the US who are complicit in sustaining Israel's genocide against the Palestinian people. "These companies, by sending weapons, parts, components, and ammunitions to Israeli forces, risk being complicit in serious violations of international human […]

From a Matter of Principle to a Matter of Tactics

Anarchists who want to take action, when confronted with the choice of tactics, often default to large mass actions, like black bloc. Imagination is ceded to tactical hegemony; autonomy diminishes; creativity recedes; resistance is franchised with stale, processed, prepackaged ideologies and tactics; questionable organizational methods like spokes-councils and democratic decision making give a participatory veneer […]

Prison Solidarity Project – Letter Writing

We are a growing community connected to incarcerated people across the country (primarily in Illinois), who are looking to build relationships with outside pen pals. If you are interested in connecting with a pen pal, we ask that you commit to upholding key abolitionist principles in your writing and in developing relationships with folks on […]

Solidarity Means Attack: Fuck France, Free Kanaky

May 20, 2024 This week, an anti-colonial uprising broke out in Kanaky, an archipelago in the South Pacific. Kanaky was named "New Caledonia" by British colonizer James Cook and has been occupied by France under that name since the 19th century. The Kanaks are Black indigenous peoples of the islands whose cultures face genocide from […]

June 11, 2024: No Separate Worlds

We once again approach June 11th, a day of remembrance and active solidarity, in a world of multiple crises and struggles for liberation. All of these are interconnected; there are no separate worlds. Across borders, languages, contexts, and identities, both catastrophes and victories of spirit and defiance reverberate around the globe. One environment is not […]

Fuck the 4th, Siege the Ports!

As the escalation of the genocide continues, an escalation on our end is demanded. We call on cities across the U.S. to participate in a collective blockade and occupation of cargo ports and railyards. To be clear, the one and only goal of this action is to economically affect the US for as long as […]

Earth Night Call To Action

As the sun sets on Earth Day, April 22nd, Earth Night begins… It is time for the sun to set also on the brand of environmentalist activism that always accompanies Earth Day. We have no use for false political fixes or publicity stunts, and nothing but hostility for campaigns which pretend that we can make […]

The Death of Walid Daqqah

Reports in English are beginning to spread indicating that Walid Daqqah (وليد دقة), a Palestinian political prisoner born under the Zionist regime of the early 1960s, has died of medical neglect & mistreatment. More than a dozen Palestinians have died in Israeli colonial prisons since 7 October. Despite increasingly urgent calls & broadening coalitions demanding […]

Abolition Media's Authoritarian Entryism

Abolition Media, a popular counter-info site in the American anarchist space has had an interesting editorial presence since its founding. The site has focused almost solely on armed struggle and militant direct action while ignoring less risky anarchist praxis often covered by established anarchist media operations like It's Going Down and Crimethinc. Because of Abolition […]

A Call For Autonomous Disruption of The Aerospace and Defense Supplier Summit – Seattle, WA

On March 12th to 14th Seattle will host the 2024 Aerospace and Defense Supplier Summit at the Seattle Convention Center. This conference will bring together suppliers and subcontractors from around the world, including Boeing, to network and show off products that will be used to build weapons that will murder people in wars of colonial […]

Skull Squat defense ongoing – Brooklyn , NY

December 23rd, 2023 For the past week, squatters and friends have defended Skull Squat in Brooklyn from shady developers and their goons attempting to break-in, lock out residents, and demolish the building. After forcing entry three days in a row with hammers and angle grinders, the developers have been turned away for the past two […]

Caterpillar bulldozer Arson in Solidarity with Palestine – Western, NC

October,26, 2023 We set fire to a Cat/Caterpillar bulldozer in Western North Carolina recently; Caterpillar company is responsible for many decades of apartheid enforcing, home and olive grove demolishing, & extreme land destruction in Palestine, displacing many Palestinians & now aiding Israel's terrible war & genocide. One act of solidarity with Palestine people can do […]

Beyond the Razor Wire, the Streets

October 9, 2023 "Gaza just broke out of prison." – مريم البرغوثي (Mariam Barghouti) "A massive jailbreak this morning" – Radical Haifa Many people are unaware that the u.s. government holds hundreds of political prisoners & prisoners of war captive for their participation in liberation struggles. Even fewer realize that among them are people caged […]

California "Game Breeders" Who Hold Native Wildlife Captive.

September 29, 2023 Gordon Breitbarth 264 Watt Ln Oroville, CA 95965 Holds Ring-Necked Pheasants captive Bradley Henman 10282 Alberton Ave Chico, CA 95928 Holds Mallard Ducks captive Robert Henman 3971 Keefer Rd Chico, CA 95973 Ring-Necked pheasants John McClellan 468 Cox Ln Oroville, CA 95965 Imprisons Chukar and Ring-Necked Pheasants James Vonbargen 30 Lone Star […]

US States With Only One Remaining Fur Farm

September 29, 2023 There are many states home to only one remaining fur farm. Farmers are pelting out due to record-low pelt prices, declining demand for their products, and continued illegal direct action against this violent and antiquated industry. Missouri Mid-Missouri Fox Farm (David W. Moyer) 12640 Derstler Road Richmond, MO 64085 The Mid-Missouri Fox […]

List of Captive Bird Facilities in Minnesota Compiled and Leaked

September 29, 2023 Full list of Minnesota captive bird facilities, imprisoning native and naturalized birds. All of these animals can survive and rewild. Oakwood Game Farm 30703 US-169, Princeton, MN 55371 100 acres. Large breeding stock of game birds including pheasants and chukar partridges. Forsgren's Pheasant Farm, INC. Darrel Forsgren & Michael Forsgren 45242 U.S. […]

New Subcontractors Spotted at Cop City Site

September 20, 2023 Two new subcontractors were identified this week at the Cop City construction site: Valor Environmental and Southern Construction Fence. Let's get to know them! VALOR ENVIRONMENTAL Phone: 888.328.2567 (888.32.VALOR) Website: valorenv.com Socials: facebook.com/valorenvironmental, instagram.com/valorenv Primary address: 1511 EAST STATE ROAD 434, SUITE 3017, WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 Atlanta-area address: 1132 OLD HARRIS […]

A Humble Conversation On Why You Shouldn't Create A Named Guerrilla Cell Formation/Banner/Acronym And Why You Should Resist Being A Part Of One

The M5M/Jane's Revenge/CCF/ALF/ Weather Underground/SLA/BLA/FAI/IAF/NWLF/ M19CO(May19th Communist Organization)/UFF/FARC/Shining Path/AD/IRA /CCC/INLA/ George Jackson Brigade or any of the similar configurations may be interesting, and could be useful for reflection, but we should abandon labeling as being so caged with our ideas and inspirations as individuals. I'll begin this by saying that I respect and admire the […]

An Urgent Plea from the Philippines

To the brave comrades of Turtle Island: Last year, we asked antifascists in the U.S. to act for us in commemorating our slain sister Jennifer Laude, killed by an American soldier. While there was some commemoration and remembrance of Jennifer Laude, this was done after her death anniversary on October 11 because the initial open […]

Anathema Volume 9 Issue 2

The latest anarchist news and analysis from the long-running Philadelphia-based publication, Anathema. Volume 9 Issue 2 (PDF for reading 8.5×11) Volume 9 Issue 2 (PDF for printing 11×17) In this issue: What Went Down Conservation As Abolition Dance Parties Won't Stop Fascism Eternal War Against Golf Call To Struggle Around Bartram's & Against The Proposal […]

PNW Fur Industry Update

The fur industry in the Pacific Northwest is a shell of what it once was. Since the first recorded ALF liberation at a fur farm in 1986, where 66 foxes were freed from a fox farm just outside of Portland, anti-speciesists in the PNW have waged a war against the fur industry. At least 20 […]

Mountain Valley Pipeline Resumed With Bleach Corroded Engines – Appalachia, USA

We heard the stays were lifted and construction on the Mountain Valley Pipeline has resumed. I wonder if they've noticed some issues with their machines? As they continue to work, bleach eats further and further into their engines. By now, the damage should be done. Protest alone is not enough. Despite years of Appalachia residents […]

Call to Struggle Around Bartram's and Against the Proposal for "Cellicon Valley" – Philadelphia, PA

August 10, 2023 Development is officially moving forward – though very slowly – in destroying the alluring wastelands of Bartram's North, the wooded riverside area just north of Bartram's Gardens in Southwest Philly. For years, this area has been a favorite hangout spot for anarchists, ravers, feminist nude sunbathers, and other companions in being up […]


The fur industry keeps receiving blows. From aboveground campaigning with CAFT in the USA and throughout Europe by many autonomous groups to underground activity by anonymous folks who during the pelting season last year released mink in multiple farms across USA and who kept striking through sabotage over winter. Now, NAALPO has released last year's […]