East Bay police have bveen shot at four times in 16 days – EastBay, CA

OAKLAND — In recent days, police officers in the East Bay have been presented with a unique and dangerous challenge: people trying to kill them. Over the past 16 days, patrol cops in Oakland and San Leandro have been shot at four times, resulting in one officer being wounded and others narrowly avoiding injury.

In Alameda County, the string of attempted police killings started Feb. 10, when a man identified as [X] allegedly shot up Oakland police Officer Khatanbaatar Batzorig's patrol car, as Batzorig was responding to another call. The patrol car, but not Batzorig, was struck by gunfire.

When police identified [X] later that day, they realized that in 2015 he'd been charged in a near-identical incident and served a prison sentence for it. In that case, [X] and another person, allegedly pointed guns at an Oakland police officer who was working undercover, then shot at a patrol cop who showed up to assist the undercover officer.

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