We busted up the windows of a Ralph Lauren on Madison Ave for supporting Israel's genocide. Ralph Lauren operates stores in lsrael and has faced calls to boycott over its partnership with L'Oreal, a "warm friend of Israel".
We targeted the heart of Upper East Side because the filthy rich who live there feel immune to the death and violence that supports their lifesteyle like a trust fund. These American capitalist elites sleep feeling safe and sound in their beds as the US war machine rains bombs and facilitates genocide and suffering around the world to line their pockets. Electoral politics and organizations only refine and perfect this system, so grow up and smash some shit. Break their blood-thirsty silence and terrorize the rich. EAT THEM.
Ralph Lauren is also a "proud supporter of Team USA" and the official designer of their Olympic uniforms. Team USA wears their clothes to represent US imperialism and capitalist greed to the world. The Olympics are allowing Israel and its sponsor the USA to compete as if the last 10 months of genocide never happened. Fuck the Olympics, fuck Zionism, and fuck all nations. Well we smashed Ralph Lauren's shamelessly proud display of US nationalist propaganda, and will continue to smash symbols of US empire everywhere.
Found on Never Sleep