9/25 Attack on TESC Police



It came from the forest – a darkness slowly descended upon the evergreen state college. Creeping up to the edge of the light, creatures clad in black burst forth upon the four parked police vehicles. Hammers and knives unleashed and with the passing of the shadow the sounds of smashing glass and pressurized air hissing out of tires filled the night, and just as quickly as it descended the shadow receded back into the woods.

This was not an act of retaliation but an act of war – a war against the police, against evergreen and all the institutions of passivity, a war against all domination that we did not start but we were born into and gladly take up anew on the side of TOTAL FREEDOM.

Here's the secret self professed "revolutionaries", professional activists and professors of "direct action" don't want you to know – it's easy and fun to attack! We're not particularly special people nor some elite group. We are simply individuals who have had enough – enough of the stifled action of self appointed leaders and formal organization channeling revolutionary energy toward dead ends and empty promises. They will tell you the impossibility of action, we will tell you that all this took was common household items – hammers and pocket knives – a little bit of planning and a few phoneless walks with friends.

The police try to present an all powerful, untouchable image but without this image they are vulnerable. That's why this attack has been kept off the news, because they are afraid that if people see that it's possible, that they are not all powerful, that the attacks will spread.

Will you heed the call? To attack is daunting and we too were afraid but we acted despite our fear. We prepared for the worst yet no alarms went off, no one chased us and we easily escaped to safety. This will not always be the case and cannot be counted on, but if you let your fear stop you from doing what needs to be done you only empower your enemies and disempower other potential rebels. Remember, to the daring belongs the future!

We leave you with these tools to pursue action on your own terms, by yourself or in a group you can act. If you're looking for targets, walk outside your home and you'll see a million ways to fight the empire.

What Is Security Culture?

Confidence, Courage, Connection, Trust

Recipe for Nocturnal Direct Action

Building Action Capacity

Affinity, Informal Organization and Insurrectional Projects

No Trace Project – A collection of tools to help anarchists and other rebels understand the capabilities of their enemies, undermine surveillance efforts, and ultimately act without getting caught.

Unravel – North American Counter Info

Act For Freedom Now! – International Counter Info

Received Anonymously